Sunday, September 2, 2007

Men's ZigZag Back Scrubber

I really wanted to make my boyfriend something, since he has been so supportive of my new hobby, but it is hard to find something to make for a guy.
Anyway, I was lucky to come across this pattern for a zig zag bath set.

So I asked Jeff if he would use the back scrubber if i made it for him, and it promised he would, so I dug through my scraps till I found some olive green and navy blue. The scanned image for some reason kept coming out black and tan, so I adjusted the color as best I could to blue and green, but it is still not quite right. the picture is pretty close to the exact colors though.

Pictures are clickable.

Thanks for looking!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohoh Iv been looking for a pattern for one os these :)