Sunday, September 2, 2007

6" Square Exchange

For the August Exchange at the Happy Hooker Paradise, I decided to do the 6" squares.

I love making squares because they are simple, and quick.
So I started my search for the perfect square on the internet.
I looked and looked, and all the ones I found that I really liked, were so very hard, or wouldn't have turned out good with the colors I already have. So after about an hour or two of searching I realized that I had just bought 4 new books from crafter's choice. So I opened up 201 crochet motifs, blocks, projects, and ideas. I looked through twice before I decided on the diagonal sqare.

What a simple design!! It was so easy, and went so quick, but came out pretty nicely I think.

(click to enlarge)

I was so inspired that I used the pattern, but with different colors and striping, to start on an afghan. So far I have about 14" done on it, a far cry from the 60 or so inches it will end up being, but it's getting there. I can't wait to get it done so I can post it on here!!

Thanks for looking!!

1 comment:

Sunshine with an A said...

Hello fellow beginner,

I love to crochet too. You more than likely know more than me, however I have been dabling in it when I get bored or start feeling creative towards yarns and crochet occasionally.
Well, anyhow, I like the one with the lighter color on the outside better than the one on the right. I think you did a fine job!