Sunday, September 2, 2007

Creepy Gingerbread Man

Ok, so the July Exchange at the Happy Hooker's Paradise was themed Christmas in July. I decided to enter the toy exchange. I thought, I want to try making a stuffed animal, everyone is making them nowadays, it is my turn now.

That was a mistake.

I made the gingerbread man the first time and it came out ok, except that the cotton showed too much, so I wanted to make it again, but with a smaller hook, but I also wanted it a little bigger, so I had to adjust the pattern a little. I am still pretty new to crochet, and pretty bad at math, so that proved to be a challenge. But I managed it somehow.
The biggest challenge with this project however, was figuring out how to do the details. I was going to embroider everything, but soon realized I cannot embroider worth a crap. So with some trial and error, and lots of support from my wonderful boyfriend, I decided to glue on some googly eyes, use some pipe cleaner for the mouth, and pom poms for the buttons.

I thought it came out terrible, my boyfriend said it came out fine, a coworker said it 'wasn't that bad', and my exchange partner said she loved it and not so to sell myself short (after I promised to send her something else soon).

So over all I give myself a C+, but an A for effort. I worked so hard on this stupid thing, LOL
Anyway, here it is, the infamous gingerbread man.
(all pics are clickable)

Please don't laugh too hard, I am still learning!!


Sunshine with an A said...

I think it looks great.
I really think it's cute and I know my grand daughter would love it. She is only 3 and 5 months.
Some advice for safety reasons;
Try using the popcorn stitch for the eyes which you can put on after you make the doll as well as the mouth, any kind of raise stitch will do! Do not be afraid to experiment, after all that's what makes people Unique. Don't be afraid to color outside the lines!

Diana said...

I just found your blog and wanted to tell you I really enjoyed reading your comments about the gingerbread man. First, he's cute as can be. Second, you made me laugh out loud ("can't embroider worth a crap"). I think I've found a crafter I can relate to! I just hate it when everything seems so easy for the next guy--sometimes I have to work and work, tear it out & start over, etc. I'm not new to crochet but don't work with it often enough to be super skilled either.
Anyway, keep up the good work. I agree with your friend: don't be so hard on yourself!

Alison said...

ok it looks great!!! but i am going to laugh bc you called it a creepy gingerbread man hahah

maybe my supernewbie crocheting status will tackle something like this

Anonymous said...

Yes, "Creepy Gingerbread Man" sure caught my attention. He's adorable! Your stitches look even and the figure is in proportion. Trial & error seems to be the way anyone makes up a pattern. Keep on going...your sense of humor will get you through. Can't wait to see what you tackle next!

cédé said...

bonjour il est superbe moi j'aimerais bien en faire un comme ca je vous dit bravo

Anonymous said...

LOL he is toooooo cute :)